Syllabus Overview & Expectations

Module Overview

Welcome! We are excited to share the first six weeks of the program with you. As the first of four modules in the Front End program this six weeks is about developing a solid foundation in the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Additionally, we’ll introduce you to test driven development, version control, refactoring, and object oriented programming. Module one also includes an introduction to Turing citizenship via special curriculum in community Fridays for M1 students and professional development courses to cultivate your unique developer identity in anticipation of entering the job market as a front end engineer.

Inclusivity Statement

We understand our community members represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. Turing is committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity. While working together to build this community we ask all members to:

  • share their unique experiences, values and beliefs
  • be open to the views of others
  • honor the uniqueness of their fellow members
  • appreciate the opportunity that we have to learn from each other in this community
  • value each other’s opinions and communicate in a respectful manner
  • use this opportunity together to discuss ways in which we can create an
  • inclusive environment at Turing and across the tech community at large

Module Aims

By the end of module one, students will:


  • Understand how the internet works and the roles of HTML, CSS, and JS in front end engineering.
  • Understand the what, why, and how of code libraries.
  • Exhibit comfort using terminal to navigate through directories, adding and moving files
  • Demonstrate an ability to research documentation and apply it correctly in their code.


  • Use semantic tags.
  • Write well structured markup w/ proper nesting.
  • Follow industry style and naming conventions.
  • Create forms using correct structure and form elements.
  • Craft markup utilizing best practices for accessibility.


  • Understand and leverage cascading styles.
  • Know when to use ids and classes, & add multiple classes in markup.
  • Write idiomatic css.
  • Understand positioning and employ various approaches appropriately.
  • Understand and implement responsive layouts.
  • Practically apply css animations in user interactions design.
  • Understand basic performance issues introduced by CSS and be mindful of those considerations when crafting their CSS.
  • Use Dev Tools effectively to debug & read error messages.


  • Exhibit a solid grasp of syntax, such that syntax does not inhibit student’s progress (the occasional quick reference is fine).
  • Use Dev Tools to debug & read error messages, specifically: making use of console to test data and code, isolating and manipulating the HTML and CSS of elements in the DOM.
  • Understand scope, and a beginner’s understanding of this binding.
  • Strong foundation in accessing data through arrays and objects (In/Out, transform).
  • Communicate coding solutions/questions w/ correct terminology.
  • Fundamental Code Concepts: variable assignment, functions, arguments/parameters, objects, arrays, data-types, local storage, conditionals/operators, DOM.
  • Array prototypes: students know the different methods and use them appropriately in a variety of circumstances.
  • Understand how browsers interpret/read code.
  • Understand how event bubbling and delegation work, and exhibit that understanding in manipulation of the DOM.


  • Understand the what and why for testing libraries and difference between test runner and assertion library.
  • Capable of test driving code with unit tests in mocha/chai.
  • Employ cross browser testing regularly throughout development.
  • Leverage test failure messages to debug and diagnose issues.


  • Refactor large functions into smaller functions.
  • Avoid the crutch of global variables.
  • Think/Write with an SRP mindset, and employ purposeful naming conventions/naming style in refactoring.
  • Lean toward working/functioning first, and not abstracting too early, but can identify opportune times in which to stop and refactor.

Module Expectations

Attendance & Tardiness Class begins promptly at 9:00 AM for the morning session, and 1:00 PM for the afternoon session. You are expected to be on time and in attendance every day.
We understand issues arise, and ask that you communicate with instructors when you are going to be late or absent.
Evals Per project assessments that should be included in your portfolio.
Mid Mock Assessment This assessment is not included in your portfolio, but is prep for the final assessment week.
Final Assessment Week six of the program, there are two summative assessments to determine your eligibility to advance to module two. This will include a final exam and project.
Portfolio Defense A portfolio summarizes your individual, team, and community accomplishments.
Detailed information can be found on the Turing School Portfolios Repo.
Community Fridays As a valuable member of the community, we expect your participation and engagement in Friday events.

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