ES6 Destructuring

Definition: Per the docs, “Destructuring” allows you to pull out data from arrays and objects into distinct variables with concise syntax.

For the following problems, use the docs heavily. Solutions to each problem can be found through the link above.

Example: Variable Swapping

Given two variables, swap their values in one line of code.

var thing1 = 'apple'
var thing2 = 'banana'

// => thing1 = 'banana'
// => thing2 = 'apple'


[thing1, thing2] = [thing2, thing1]

Assigning New Variable Names to Object Keys

Given an object, in one line, assign variables to the values of the object using different names than the keys already in the object.

var object = {name: 'elvis', title: 'hip swinger'}

// console.log(person) => 'elvis'
// console.log(job) => 'hip swinger'

Variable Swapping: Array

What if I want to grab the values of the first and second elements of a given array using variables, and then swap the values of those variables?

var items = ['apple', 'banana', 'pear']

// Currently, I would get the following returns:
console.log(a) => 'apple'
console.log(b) => 'banana'

// Assign variables using ES6 so that we get (note, you cannot just make a completely new array):
console.log(a) => 'banana';
console.log(b) => 'apple';

Object Matching

Given an object, write one line of code that assigns variables to the keys.

var object = {
  user: 'brenna',
  id: 1,
  date: 'monday',
  module: 3

// console.log(user) => ‘brenna’

Object Matching: Nested destructuring

Given an object with nested objects, write one line of code that assigns variables to the keys.

var object1 = {
  user: 'elvis',
  address: {
    city: 'denver',
    state: 'colorado'
  id: 1

Isolating Arguments Passed as Function Parameter

Provided the arguments below, write three separate functions, each will pull fields from the provided object and log a string.

There are three exercises, one using an array, one using variables passed as an object, one using an object with key value pairs.

// Array
['hello', 'taylor']
// => 'hello, taylor!'

// Object with keys
var greeting="hello"
var name="taylor"
{greeting, name}
// => 'hello, taylor!'

//Object with key value pairs
{greeting: 'hello', name: 'taylor'}
// => 'hello, taylor!'

Variables and Rest

Assign 2 elements of an array to specific variables, and then assign the remaining values collectively to another variable

['apple', 'banana', 'chocolate', 'pears', 'oats', 'pizza']
// console.log(a) => 'apple'
// console.log(b) => 'banana'
// console.log(others) => ['chocolate, 'pears', 'oats', 'pizza']

Object Variable Assignment Without Declaration

Given a couple declared, empty variables, write a line of code that assigns those variables to values as keys within an object.

let name, title

// console.log(name) => 'elvis'
// console.log(title) => 'hip swinger'

Array Variable Assignment

Given a set of variables, assign the values in one line.

let firstName, lastName, city, state;

// console.log(firstName) => 'marilyn'
// console.log(lastName) => 'monroe'
// console.log(city) => 'new york'
// console.log(state) => 'new york'

Default Values: Array

Now write the same thing, but set default values, and leave off an assignment on the right side of the statement.

Default Values: Object

Given an object, assign each value to a variable but “forget” a couple. Use default values to ensure validity.

Parsing An Array From A Function Return

Given a function that returns an array, use ES6 to parse said array so that each value is accessible directly.

var x = () => {
  return ['hello', 'world']

// console.log(greeting) => 'hello'
// console.log(target) => 'world'

Object Destructuring

Given an object, in one line of code pull out the individual keys to be accessible directly.

var object = {name: 'elvis', title: 'hip swinger'}

// console.log(name) => 'elvis'
// console.log(title) => 'hip swinger'

For Of Iteration

Given a crazy array of objects with nested objects, iterate over it and grab just the artist and the third album title.

var singers = [
    artist: 'Elvis',
    albums: {
      album1: 'this first title for Elvis',
      album2: 'another second title for Elvis',
      album3: 'third title for Elvis'
    artist: 'Cher',
    albums: {
      album1: 'this first title for Cher',
      album2: 'another second title for Cher',
      album3: 'third title for Cher'

// 'Artist: Elvis, Third Album: third title for Elvis'
// 'Artist: Cher, Third Album: third title for Cher'

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