
1 week solo project for FE Mod 2 (Week 6)

Background and Description

For this project you will be working on your own to write a program in React. Specifically, you will be creating an application that solves a common problem that most students face when reviewing course material/concepts - finding effective study techniques to optimize learning retention and recall.

Goals and Objectives

  • Build a study application with React and Sass
  • Demonstrate your ability to communicate expert-level knowledge on a technical topic
  • Write modular, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)



  • the fetch API for sending/receiving data
  • ReactJS for organizing your application into components
  • JSX for writing your component templates
  • Sass for getting fancy with your CSS

Technologies not listed above require instructor approval


  • App must have some form of interactivity for the user
    • it should not just be text on a page with links, though it may include some instructions or resources to learn more
    • interactivity should help your users understand the topic you’ve selected (e.g. if your topic is DOM manipulation with jQuery, maybe the user can click an element on the page and some text would appear to show them how they would select it with jQuery code)


Your README should include the following, in this order:

  • Abstract at the top (A sentence or two describing the project)
  • Install/Setup instructions
  • Everything else (must include wireframes and screenshot/GIF of finished project)

Path 1

Build a custom dataset

Memoize as a Flashcards Study tool that quizzes the user on technical vocabulary Or other optional topic that is instructor approved

  • You must create one dataset that will represent your application data.

  • Your dataset must have at least 30 records (If your dataset is an object, it should have 30 keys. If it’s an array, it should have 30 elements)

  • You must run your dataset through a JSON validator before submitting a pull request for your dataset here. Your datasets should be added in a single file to the /datasets directory. Be sure to export at the bottom of your file.

  • You must save data to localStorage about correct / incorrect answers to localStorage so that the next time a user visits the page, they will only be shown the flash cards they got incorrect / still need to practice

  • Only 3 of any one topic will be accepted/approved. (e.g. If 3 people in the cohort have been approved to do a flashcards app covering prototypes, no other pitches submitted for covering prototypes will be approved). Pitches/datasets will be approved in the order they are received.

Path 2

Choose your own adventure

Memoize as a study tool for a technical topic that you’ve learned or heard about in Mod 1/2, and:

  • demonstrate your expert knowledge on the concept
  • allow others to learn and practice the concept

Check out some of these learning tools from the wild:

While the application you build doesn’t have to be as complex as the examples above, know that you have the freedom to be ambitious and take your study tool in whatever direction you choose. Check out some successful student projects from the past like CSS-Animate, Rabbit Hole, and Terminal Commander.

Potential Topic Ideas

  • DOM Manipulation with jQuery
  • Recursion
  • The Call Stack
  • Prototypal Inheritance
  • Sass/CSS (Should be narrowed down to something specific, like flexbox, pseudoselectors or how the specificity/cascade works)
  • Scope
  • Prototype Methods
  • Git/GitHub Workflow
  • Terminal Commands/Navigating the Terminal
  • Sorting Algorithms
  • Pseudocoding/Whiteboarding
  • LocalStorage

You are free to pick from this list, use it as inspiration, or pitch your own topic. As you go to pick your topic, take the following into consideration:

  • What type of tool do you want to build? are there any topics that lend themselves easily to that learning format?
  • What topics were you hoping to learn more thoroughly or what topics did you feel fuzzy on? this is a good opportunity to give yourself a chance to explore them further (e.g. if you have a hard time remembering terminal commands - building a study tool will help you get better at them!)
  • Your topic should be specific and focused - the more specific your topic, the easier it will be to build a manageable study tool to demonstrate it


Specification Adherence

  • Novice - The application is missing multiple features/requirements outlined above.
  • Advanced Beginner - The application is in a useable state, but is missing part of one or more of the technologies outlined above.
  • Proficient - The application uses the above technologies to a professional level.
  • Exceptional - Meets all expectations of Proficient. In addition, the application has additional features/extensions implemented that go above and beyond the project requirements.


  • Novice - The application is confusing or difficult to use. The UI is incomplete.
  • Advanced Beginner - The application may be confusing or difficult to use at times. The application shows effort in the interface, but the result is not effective because UX and/or UI still present an application that is incomplete or difficult to use.
  • Proficient - The application has many strong pages/interactions. The application can stand on its own to be used by instructor without guidance from a developer on the team. The application is fully responsive.
  • Exceptional - Meets all expectations for Proficient. In addition, the application has clearly had special consideration around usability on devices.

JavaScript / React Style

  • Novice - There is a significant amount of duplication and one or two major bugs. JavaScript does not follow the principles of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
  • Advanced Beginner - There is some duplication and there may be one or two major bugs. The application has large components and logic could be broken apart into smaller, function components. JavaScript may be hard to read/follow.
  • Proficient - Application has little to no duplication and no major bugs. Application has several components built out that logically break apart the functionality. JavaScript may be hard to follow at times but is generally easy to read/understand.
  • Exceptional - Application has exceptionally well-factored code with little or no duplication and all components separated out into logical components. There are zero instances where an instructor would recommend taking a different approach to design and component architecture. DRY and SRP (Single Responsibility Principle) practices are incorporated, making JavaScript very easy to follow/read.

CSS/Sass Style

  • Novice - There are several (10+) instances of duplication and one or two major bugs. Developers write code with unnecessary selectors or tags which do not increase clarity.
  • Advanced Beginner - There is some duplication (5-10 instances) in the codebase. There may be one to two minor bugs. There may be some unnecessary selectors or tags. Application adds organization for the whole stylesheet and within rules.
  • Proficient - Application is thoughtfully put together with comments to help guide organization. There may be some duplication (fewer than 5 instances) present. Comments are present to assist with organization of code.
  • Exceptional - Meets all expectations for Proficient. The application has exceptionally well-factored CSS/Sass with all styles separated out into logical stylesheets. There are zero instances where an instructor would recommend taking a different approach.


  • Novice - There is little or no evidence of testing in the application.
  • Advanced Beginner - Project has sporadic use of tests at multiple levels. The application contains numerous holes in testing and/or many features are untested.
  • Proficient - Project has a running test suite that tests multiple levels but fails to cover some features.
  • Exceptional - Project has a running test suite that exercises the application used Enzyme. The test suite covers almost all aspects of the application.

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